I despise writing this first post.
I have had other blogs during other times, and no matter how much I enjoy blathering on in subsequent postings, the first post is the worst to write.
The first blog post usually sets the tone of your blog, introduces the writer, and lets the reader know what kind of blog this will be. However, if the blog writer doesn't quite know the answers to these facets of the blog yet, it is rather difficult to construct a box of sorts to define what this may be.
No matter how difficult and uncomfortable the introductory post may be to write, it is a necessary part of the construction of a blog.
So who am I? Sometimes I'm not even sure. I am a unique contradiction. That may come across as a lofty and conceited statement, however, I don't really know any other way to put it. I'm a single mother in her 20s with a private college education. I drink far too much coffee and red wine and I smoke copious amounts of cigarettes. I'm a feminist who loves men. I recycle and shop at thrift stores...and I wear far too expensive shoes and sometimes litter. My daughter wears cloth diapers and eats gourmet organic food I prepare from scratch...unless of course we decide to have boxed macaroni and cheese for dinner. I adore writing lists and have inappropriate crushes on married powerful men. I'm a recovering drug addict who came from a loving intact family. I love reading and research, but I enjoy watching trashy television late at night. I despise exercising, love dancing, adore unusual healthy food, and drink scotch. I'm a fabulous mother juggling a full time job and raising the most enchanting child I have ever met on my own. I love peace and harmony, but know that sometimes one must fight for it. I make terrible mistakes, but I'm learning. I sometimes spell things wrong, or use the wrong grammar and punctuation and I use the word "fuck" too much (though not in front of little ears).
Why should you stick around? I may not be the most well-spoken blogger or interesting writer, but I'm sure that if you stay with me, you may find out that we aren't very different at all. And if you don't, well at least you were entertained for a few moments of your day. Besides, what better way to meet people than off an anonymous blog on the Internet...hehe...
First post: Nailed It!